The Output Of A Writer Mom Gone Rogue

Melissa Llarena
5 min readAug 4, 2022


It’s important for me to share exactly how I am managing to write a book as a mom to three young sons who just landed in the US after living three years in Australia in between its wildfires, lockdowns, and floods. Other moms need to see what’s possible for their dreams too even if they are in the thick of it. 11 years ago when I first became a mom and a self-employed mom at that I wasn’t quite sure whether it would be worth figuring out how to keep my dreams in my back pocket while my baby was on my chest. So at this stage in my life, I figured to let it all hang out for other moms to see how I’ve been doing it (or not doing it depending on your metric). Specifically, this week I’m sharing a behind-the-scenes glimpse into my brainstorming process.

You should know this about me. My brainstorming process has zero guardrails. At this stage of writing my book for moms, I have been asked to draft a 500-word description of my work-in-progress book. You can imagine that it’s hard to capture the essence of something that has not yet been “essenced.” Yet, I’m always game to DRAFT something.

You see when I brainstorm. I give myself permission to go anywhere. That’s why I’m sharing this DRAFT with you. It’s about taking away the mystique behind what it takes to write a book (or do anything as an entrepreneur). You make words up. You throw spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks. It’s all about pushing the rock uphill even a little every day. So consider this description my gift to you. It will make you chuckle. You may even cry. Who knows? The idea is that an imperfect something is always better than a perfect nothing. Am I right? Drum roll please….again, this is the output of a writer mom gone rogue who is brainstorming…

The book Who Stole My Placenta © is for incredibly defiant moms who refuse to hand over their dreams (some may have even declined to hand over their placentas too) because their ambitions have always been an essential part of who they were. It was their dreams and hopes and desires that made them come alive! Their dreams were their life force; the same goes for me! I want to help my readers go from feeling like motherhood means having the life sucked out of them to behaving like the original creators they truly are. It’s about inviting moms to take a closer look at the definition of what being a good mom is and shredding it if it’s at the expense of their rawest ambitions. You can expect to hear my outrageous stories and antics that also happen to be the opposite of everyone’s expectations of me as a mom of three boys. Also included are shocking stories that my podcast guests have lived to ensure they had the hutzpah and imagination necessary to make big splashes like becoming an NYT bestselling children’s illustrator or getting on the Forbes list of self-made female millionaires. It’s going to take my fellow moms from not imagining how they can believe in themselves and their bright futures to specifically and practically helping them shake things up and live a full-throttle life in a realistic way even if they are still spending endless nights cleaning baby bottles. In this book, all my case studies will stretch a mom to reimagine how she can reengage with her life and the best thing about this kind of stretching is that it won’t even require cocoa butter! The only tool my readers will need is our superpower our imagination. The permission I am gifting my readers in this read is to use it to propel themselves towards their dreams not run away from them. My ambition is that after reading this you will activate your word-of-mouth sorcery to siren call your fellow sisters and maybe even coalesce to launch a global movement that brings in more than a billion dollars in 24 hours as one of my featured podcast guests has done. Essentially, it’s the book I could have used when I decided to pair motherhood with entrepreneurship 11 years ago; reading my stories and those whom I admired would have spared me from feeling like an alien amongst my peers whom I kept wishing would pursue their own dreams in between diaper changes rather than to shelve them indefinitely until or through someone else’s life — — namely their kid/s. I am writing for the mom who wants to put herself back in the spotlight so that her kids will be inspired to do the same no matter what life hands them in the future.

What did you think? Sound like a fun topic that you’d love to stay connected with? Join me on my waitlist! I’ll be sending updates every week that promises to inspire, educate, and sometimes chuckle every Friday. See you on the inside.

About Melissa Llarena

Melissa Llarena is an author and coach who helps ambitious moms use their imagination as a superpower to launch businesses and take back control of their income and sanity! She has a podcast called An Interview With Melissa Llarena where she helps curious souls go from imagining to living a bold life. Melissa’s background includes a psychology degree from NYU, an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and she holds a Transformational Coaching Academy certificate. She is a native New Yorker who lives in Austin, TX with her husband and three sons (in that mix are identical twins).

About An Interview With Melissa Llarena the podcast

Do you remember how curious you were as a kid? Some of us never grew out of that and it’s made all the difference. Pick from any of 100+ episodes to learn from humans who courageously and creatively went after their curiosities, and made an impact, so you can too.

Each week, personal development coach, business coach, and “warrior” mom Melissa Llarena helps you go from imagining to living your best life. In this podcast, you will learn how to believe in yourself, unleash your biggest potential, leave perfectionism behind, and build a fulfilling life. You deserve the best. Learn from entrepreneurs (Suzy Batiz, Beth Comstock), creators (GaryVee, James Altucher), world changers (David Meltzer, Asha Curran), beacons of hope (Raphael Rowe, Dr. Joel Fuhrman), and world-class storytellers (Cal Fussman, Jordan Harbinger). Tune in to discover how you can overcome life’s biggest challenges and embrace its wonderful surprises.

Follow Melissa @melissallarena on Instagram for daily pep talks and behind-the-scenes insights. Follow An Interview With Melissa Llarena and share the show with someone who wants to step into their greatness.



Melissa Llarena

I coach executives on how to dissect & deliver a perfect #jobinterview @TuckSchool Author of №1 #HR interview @Forbes @LinkedIn #mom